What is ‘MyFitnessPal’ ?

What is ‘MyFitnessPal’ ?

MyFitnessPal is an app that helps you keep track of your daily food and beverage intake, calculating your calories, and macronutrients for you. This allows you to analyse your diet and find out what your diet is missing or what your are over consuming. Regardless of...
Why you should train 3-5 times a week

Why you should train 3-5 times a week

A healthy lifestyle is essential for longevity and eating healthy and training regularly promotes this. Experts recommend exercising three to five times a week for at least thirty minutes to maintain good health. Below are just a few benefits of training regularly: 1....
Baked Oats

Baked Oats

Baked oats taste and look like cake, yet they’re full of nutritious grains and fibre. Baked oats are warm and fluffy when cooked, making it a perfect breakfast option for the cooler months. Baked oats can be made as a portion for one or made in a larger dish to...
Top ten benefits of stretching

Top ten benefits of stretching

Flexibility is one of the five components of fitness, so stretching should be included in each workout. Here are ten benefits of stretching and why you should stretch: 1. Decreases muscle stiffness and increases range of motion. Stretching helps improve your range of...